Our Customer Testimonials

Our Customer Testimonials

15 Reviews

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09 July 2018

What a nice guy

On our recent road trip north and while touring New York State, my GPS stopped functioning properly in my 2015 ultra classic. I just happen to pass by Geneva Harley Davidson and stopped in to see if someone could possibly help. And yes! Tim knew what was wrong and got us on our way. What a nice guy. He knows his job well and treated mead if I was a long time customer. I don't receive this kind of customer service from my local hometown dealer that I bought the bike from. This is just one more reason why we love to ride in New York State.

Chris, Bel Air MD

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06 September 2018



Just a note to say THANK YOU.

My husband is away on his motorcycle vacation, riding from Long Island NY to wherever the sun shines.

It just so happened he had some motorcycle issue. Luckily, he was three miles away from your dealership. His stator went bad , clutch hub needed to be replaced and he also got an inspection. He said your customer service was EXCELLENT! Going above and beyond. He spent five hours there and was well taken care of. He even told me about your German Shepherd.THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED HIM SO HE COULD CONTINUE HIS TRAVELS.

Barbara, Long Island NY

star star star star star
04 October 2018

Thank you very much!

I recently purchased a Fat Boy and needed a 1,000 mile service. Between Tim and Corinna, they got me scheduled and in for service really quick and did a great job taking care of me and my bike. Russ and Corinna helped my wife and I select new helmets and everything went exceedingly well. Corinna was exceedingly helpful in allowing me to use a catalog to review and inventory some custom parts and paint that were put on my Fat Boy. I greatly appreciate the expertise and professionalism of the Geneva Harley Davidson team. Thank you very much!

Frank, Seneca Falls NY